For those of you keeping track of the score:
RV - 3
Roeslercrew - 0
It seems that all of my prayers for patience are paying off?!? God provided us with many opportunities over the past week for me to practice patience. What a blessing?!? Sigh...
Let me retrace the past week highlights from the comfort of my air conditioned home (and 2 nights of sleep in my own bed):
First, I need to say for the record that our time actually in South Dakota was wonderful. The rental van was awesome and very reliable. This is a feature that I prefer in a vehicle (pointed note to RV from Hell here). We had a great time being tourists with the kids and Brian's dad and step-mom. Mt. Rushmore's lighting experience was great....along with the Reptile Gardens, Bear Country, and so much more. We had an awesome day hiking around Custer State Park. Of course, the kids may disagree that the actual hiking was all that fantastic. Apparently, 2 to 3 miles in the Black Hills has become "The Legend of How Mom Forced Us to Hike 23 Miles Up Hill...Both Ways." The children's feet have healed and seem to have recovered from their personal "Trail of Tears." The scenery and experiencing God's beautiful creation were truly a high point!
Second, I would like to go on record to say that the children remain very optimistic about their South Dakota vacation. Isaac even asked how we could possibly top this vacation next year. Too bad his question was met with hysterical laughter from his parents after they had been up for over 24 hours...and driving home a rental vehicle. Now to explain...
After leaving Rapid City on Friday morning, we made it ALL the way (about an hour) to Wall, South Dakota. The RV completely conned us by working beautifully for the entire drive. We were glowing with that post-vacation enthusiasm of a week well-spent, and decided to gas up the RV before stopping at Wall Drug. There was no reason to believe that this was the beginning of the RV Rebellion.
Brian got back into the RV after filling her tanks...and, the engine did not go voom...or click...or buzz...or hummmmmm. In short, the RV did nothing. And, proceeded to do nothing even with Brian's best coaxing (along with the helpful Conocco Station employees who really wanted their pumps freed back up). So, while Brian waited for the tow truck to arrive, the kids and I headed to Wall Drug to continue the tourist experience.
Side note: All tourist experiences are great for the first hour or two. But, even a well-advertised and exciting place like Wall Drug cannot entertain for 6 hours. I think the staff honestly believed we were either mystery shoppers or looking to move in!
Long story made a bit shorter, the wrecker had to wait for back-up to cut off the U-joint on the transmission to make the RV safe to tow because the bolts had rusted. This gave us the opportunity to split up on the ride back to Rapid City. My new best friends in South Dakota are interested in seeing me on the BMX track very soon. I just didn't have the energy or the heart to repeat myself in the loud pick-up truck and clear up the miscommunication. So, Jay is looking forward to returning to South Dakota to see me race...
When we arrived at the RV Dealership, the last service employee was pulling out of the lot for the weekend. I waved while the tears ran down my cheeks. Who am I to stop a guy from enjoying his weekend?! The salesman was helpful enough to tell me about the family-friendly attractions two exits up on the interstate. Clearly, he didn't grasp that the RV was being towed their for repairs and I was dropped off moments earlier by Cleatus and Bubba!
In the 100+ degree heat, we decided that we couldn't live in the parking lot of the RV Dealership and took pity on the kids by checking into the hotel (within walking distance, of course). The up side is that the hotel had rooms and was attached to a waterpark. The down side was that it wasn't exactly the price tag of the KOA, and we must have been quite the site walking in with our bags from the interstate.
By Saturday afternoon, we had rented a car and started our trek back to Minnesota knowing that we would have to return next weekend to pick-up the RV-from-Hell. At this point, I have a few parting thoughts of our current situation. One is that the RV clearly has had the last laugh. After hanging out with her friends over the weekend, she started right up for the repairman, today. I guess she just wanted time for herself, too!? The other is that I feel so very blessed to have a husband that handles crisis so beautifully while his wife shuts down into a grumpy, coma-like state. I am also blessed that we are financially able to afford to rent a car, hotel room and head back this next weekend to finally "finish" our vacation. And, lastly, I am blessed by a God who provides me with so many opportunities to practice patience and to laugh. It is good to be reminded not to take life seriously...for it is anything but!
More to come...just think of what a great screen play this would make?! Clark Griswold (National Lampoon) meets Robin Williams (RV) with a bit of Transformers thrown in....a classic in the making, I'm sure. It will at least be a classic vacation that the children will be recalling for years to come!