
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Finding Peace

We have finally returned home for the last time from South Dakota. Prior to returning to Rapid City to pick up our repaired RV, I talked to Brian about the idea of heading to Niagra Falls next summer. Clearly, like childbirth, the painful memories of our journey faded and the good times were all that I remembered. So, naturally, I thought another family voyage next summer would be a "good thing."

Let me just say...after 10 hours to Rapid City on Saturday in a rental car and 14 hours on the return in an RV without air conditioning, I'm rethinking next summer's plans. Maybe that tent in the backyard with evening viewings from Animal Planet on the tv will be enough?!

The good news is that now we are at my folks' cabin in Northern Minnesota. As I drove here, I felt myself begin to decompress. The closer we got to Park Rapids, the more that I felt the pain/stress of the past two weeks fade away.

There is something about this place. I don't know if it the water or the trees or the beautiful blue sky that brings me a sense of peace. The clock looses its demanding tick and becomes more of a musical pulse. The singing birds and gentle breeze (sometimes gusts, if I am honest) takes the place of ringing phones and air conditioning. It is a place to simply enjoy my kids and the time that we have together...verses worrying if the piano is practices, rooms are clean or library books returned on time. There is peace.

Don't get me wrong. The kids still fight. There is still dinners to make and toys to clean up. But, there is peace. Peace of mind, spirit and soul.

I often wonder how I can have this "peace" amongst the daily grind of home. I know that prayer is key. But, it is also attitude. I sleep better when I'm here. I feel stronger, happier, and healthier. Being here makes me grounded in the people that are most important to children, husband and family. There are memories here...and moments that linger and I have the time to savor them.

From this place of peace, I pray that you may also have a place of peace. And, may you be nourished in that place for the storms and adventures that life continually offers.

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Brian & Tobi

Brian & Tobi