
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

No longer Fear...but with Faith

But let all who take refuge in you be glad;
let them ever sing for joy.
Spread your protection over them,
that those who love your name may rejoice in you. - Psalm 5:11

I think that for many years I have been motivated by fear.  My fears have come packaged in many different shapes and sizes - fear of failure; fear of what others might say or do; fear of being without money; fear of loosing a friendship; fear of death even.  And, these fears dictated many life choices and led to many sleepless nights.

I was reminded on Sunday in our pastor's sermon that the angels came to tell everyone to "NOT be afraid."  The angel's first words to the shepherds were, "Do not be afraid!  I bring you great news!"  I sat in the pew realizing that so very often I have gotten caught up in the first part of this statement, "Don't be afraid!"  I failed to hear the second part...there is GOOD news!

During this time of transition from working part-time to becoming a full-time homemaker, I am often plagued by fears.  What will others think?  How do I answer that awful question, "What will you do with all of your free time?"  How will we pay our bills and provide for our "wants" as well as our needs?  Will I be "good enough" as just a mom?  As with any life change, the fears can lead to self-doubt and sleepless nights.  But, if I choose faith verses fear, there is GOOD news!

I believe that God has called me to take this step of leaving paid-church ministry to return home.  I believe that God has plans for me in this new role.  And, I choose faith that God will provide for me and my family. 

On Sunday afternoon, our family went sledding.  Our daughters agreed that they would rather not go.  When questioned, they pointed out that they loved going down the hill but hated the long walk back up.  I couldn't agree more!  I love the rush that comes from riding down the slopes but often find myself wishing for an escalator to ride my way back to the top.  However, it was on one of these treks to the top that Isaac reminded me of an important life lesson.  He pointed out that if you look down at your feet and just take one step at a time, you'll eventually get to the top of the hill.  And, you will most likely feel like you are getting their faster than keeping your eyes upward.

So, with this time of transition, I choose to watch my feet for a while.  I will take it one step at a time and be sure that the next step won't trip me up from the goal of getting to the top of the hill.  I choose faith that God will guide my path.  And, I am looking forward to each and every ride along the way!

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Brian & Tobi

Brian & Tobi