
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

So, I decided to go without coffee...

...and, I was reminded that I am human.

I spent most of yesterday yawning.  We are talking the big yawns that cause people to comment.  The type of yawn that leaves you worried that you might have caught something with your mouth.  So, after the better part of 6 hours of yawning, eyes watering and questioning my purpose in life, I took a nap. 

Two hours later...awake but only barely holding on, I realized that I had to have caffeine.  For fear that you think I am a quitter, I want it noted for the record that I still did not drink coffee.  But, I did manage to drink 3 diet dr. peppers before dinner.

I continually battle with the need to cut back my caffeine intake and the desire to remain a fully interactive and engaging human being.  As I was reminded yesterday, without coffee, I am pretty much a sleep-walking shell of a woman. 

In the words of Martin Luther (tweaked by me):  God gave us coffee because he wanted us to be happy.

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