
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Going to Have to be Humble...I guess

I'm going to Haiti.
Brian is going to Haiti.  (Thank you, Jesus!)
We will be reaching out and changing lives...and will be changed forever in the process.
I'm excited to have this awesome opportunity!

...but, it is going to take close to $4000 to make this experience a reality for Brian and I.  And, we are going to need help to get there.

I know that God will provide.  He has always provided.  And, even in the worst of times, we have always had enough to meet our needs.  But, this time, it isn't about "just me."  I'm going to need help.

This is NOT my area of comfort.
I do not even know how to ask for help...
And, really, I don't want to.

I have looked at the savings account.  $4000 isn't there.

We have done the fundraisers and with two on the way, I can project the figures.  The full $4000 isn't going to be there.  We have already been blessed...but, we are still so far from what we are going to need.

I'm going to have to ask for help.

This is NOT my area of comfort.
I do not even know how to ask for help...
And, really, I STILL don't want to!

But, it dawns on me as I stood in the shower, tonight.  (Really, it is the best place to do my thinking...)
Maybe.  Just maybe.  This is the first lesson in this entire experience for me.  I need to be humbled.  I need to ask for help.  I need to recognize my own limitations and simply give it up to God.

What a concept!
Nope...still not comfortable.  But, I feel the awakening beginning....

So, I'm going to try it out:

I need help raising the funds for me and my husband to go to Haiti. 
I need help...

Now, I just have to get up the courage to actually say it out loud...

For Financial Donations

Brian & Tobi

Brian & Tobi