The girls and Elijah with a horse. Yes. All we hear now is how we MUST get one. Why not? |
Papa & Omie and the Roesler Grandkids |
It was a wonderful time to get away. We enjoyed sunshine, close quarters, hunting (for the boys), horse back riding (for the girls) and free play in the dirt, sand and rocks(for Elijah). All in all a very, very successful spring break.
And, it did my heart good to just be "in the moment." Due to the remote location of the ranch, we had sporadic cell service and NO wi-fi. The good news is that none of us died from lack of exposure to Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. However, the rumor is that some of the clans took a pretty harsh beating from a lack of attention in Clash of Clans and the wild hog population took a bit of a hit by the Roesler men.
SLOW 4 wheeler rides with the big kids = priceless! |
CEO & Knitter Extraordinaire, Wrapped in Loved |
Emma modeling one of the Wrapped in Love scarves |
Just e-mail your order details to Hannah at She is excited to start making money for the newest Roesler!
A close up of our quality and knitted work of love |
As we have shared before, we need your support. First, we ask for your prayers. Please join us in praying for:
- ...the child who will be joining our family. Pray for her/his safety and good health. Pray that she/he may know God's presence and feel loved and safe.
- ...our family as we continue to step out in faith and prepare to expand and grow our family. Pray that we may discern God's will in each and every step.
- ...our consultants, Dawn & Jason Wright, from Christian Adoption Consultants. Pray for their patience and guidance as they work with us and join us in this journey.
- ...our social worker at LCFS as he/she receives our home study paperwork and meet with us over the next few months to complete our home study.
- ...our friends and family that are stepping forward to help us with fundraisers and donations. Pray for God's guidance in how they use their time and talents.
Finally, you can simply contact us to gift us your donation directly.
Thank you for your support, encouragement and prayers. We feel so very blessed to be surrounded by such a wonderful cloud of witnesses. Now, it's time for me to return to the laundry...yippee!
Proof that too much time as a family MAY be too much?! |