
Saturday, October 25, 2014

Walking Among Heroes

Our intimate showing with
about 100 of our closest friends?!
This past summer, Brian won tickets through work for us to see Tim McGraw in concert.  It was AMAZING! You clearly don't entertain for as many years as Tim has without perfecting a high-quality experience for your fans.

Part of what I loved most about the concert experience was watching the audience and the wide variety of people.  It had been over 10 years since we had been to a concert, and yet some things remained familiar.  There was still that unique breed of "super-fan" that seemed to do ANYTHING to get attention.  She (typically) would clamor near the stage simply hoping that Tim would just look her way...that somehow in that look it would validate that she had meaning and purpose.

I didn't get it.  And, to be honest, I still don't.  But this past week, I think I experienced just a little bit of what it must be like to yearn to be close to a hero.  What it must be like to feel that for one moment I have brushed the sleeve or made eye-contact with a star...

No.  I didn't actually get to talk with Tim McGraw or ask him all my questions about his faith, feelings on adoption and how he keeps his marriage healthy while traveling so often.  I had the blessing of being a part of my friend and her family's adoption day.

My friend and her husband have waited over 2 years to adopt their boys from foster care.  It has been a long journey with many ups and downs.  There have been tears of pain, frustration and joy.  But, through it all, she has prayerfully followed God's calling on her life to become a mom to these broken and hurting boys.  

Thursday marked the long-awaited day.  

The day where they would finally legally be family.

Even as I drove to meet them for lunch, I felt the tingling.  I knew.  I could just feel it.  This is a God moment.  In my head, that line, "what God has brought together, let no man put asunder," kept repeating itself.  Much like wedding vows, my friend and her husband had vowed that no matter what (through good times and bad times) they would love these boys with an unconditional love.  I knew from our conversations that this commitment was a BIG one, but that her 1st & 4th grade boys had already grown and blossomed so much under her and her husband's loving care.  God had taken the tragedy of a broken birth family and turned it around by bringing them to this be a forever family rooted in faith, hope and love.

A very tired E working
hard to behave while we wait
As we waited at the courthouse, other family members and friends gathered to support my friend and her family.  And, it was here, that I had my "moment."  There were two women talking.  I eaves-dropped in on their conversation as I attempted to keep Elijah occupied.  They were sharing their struggles as foster moms and supporting each other in their journey.  They just seemed to glow.  I can't explain it.  And, as I listened (but pretended not to), I was moved to tears.  These women (and hubbies, too) are my heroes.  They are on the front lines day in and day out loving on kids who can behave entirely un-lovable...but are so desperate for love.  

I just wanted to soak them in.  I wanted to capture their energy...their spirit...their passion...and, for a moment, I wanted them to just look at me and validate that I, too, can have that kind of meaning and purpose.  

A long day...but a great day
made even better with a nap!
I know it may sound silly.  But, I am confident that my friend and these women are God's hands and feet.  I feel it from them...and, I see it in them.  They are actively advocating for the last, the lost and the least.  Simply being near them makes me energized and on-fire to do the same.

This isn't my first hero "sighting."  It is simply my most recent.  I have felt this tingle and passion as I walked alongside men and women in Haiti.  I have felt it at military send-offs and welcome-homes ceremonies.  I have felt it in a woman's small group and a mentoring time with a student.

There are so many memories that are flooding in as I type this...but, to put it quite simply, I was blessed to be in the presence of greatness this week...real heroes.  And, for that, I am grateful.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Waiting and Looking Back

I was reminded this morning by my Timehop App that it was just two years ago this evening that changed our lives forever. A sweet, young woman had chosen our family for her baby.  And, while her incredible, selfless act is not lost on me for one moment, today, I was blown away once again by the beautiful and absolute "perfect-ness" of God's timing.

Let's be honest.  I really needed a reminder.

I needed a "in-my-face" and "God's-got-this" kind of reminder. 


There are still no calls or possible adoption scenarios on the radar of our current adoption journey.  We have stepped out in faith with eager anticipation only to find ourselves standing on the threshold of change with no imminent sign that change is actually going to happen.

It really, really stinks.  I yearn for action and for forward momentum...I want to be doing something.

Last week, Emma & I taught our 1st & 2nd grade Sunday School class about God's promise to give Abraham & Sarah as many children, grandchild, grandchildren, etc. as their were stars in the sky.  (Genesis 12-17)  As I read the story from our children's Bible, Abraham & Sarah's dialogue with God echoed my own:

"Abraham asked God, 'What are you waiting for?'"
Seriously.  What are you waiting for?

"Could God really make such a thing happen?"
I know I'm not supposed to doubt.  Clearly, you are the God of Miracles., God?

"'Your wife, Sarah, will have a son,' the visitors said to Abraham.  Sarah started to laugh...'Why is Sarah laughing?' they asked. 'Doesn't she believe God's promise will happen?'"
What if I didn't hear the promise correctly?  

I continued to churn on God's promise this week.  The reminder that Abraham and Sarah traveled into the desert to God's promise land.  It was a long journey of continually choosing to believe.  They woke each morning to pack up the camels and set out for another's day journey...and they didn't even have a DVD player to entertain the kids or cell phone to call others to make the miles pass.  Talk about hardships!

The Bible tells us that there were times that both Sarah and Abraham doubted God's promise.
 Fortunately, the children's Bible doesn't cover Ishmael & Hagar, but I know that part of the story.  I know what happened when Sarah decided to interpret and do things her way verses patiently await to do things God's way.

And, so I wait seeking prayerfully to this God's way.  I'd love to say I wait patiently and faithfully.  But, my human desires often lead me daily to points of frustration and hopelessness as there are no potential situations awaiting me in my in-box and my phone doesn't ring from our consultant or caseworkers.

But, then there are shining moments that remind me that when the time is God's timing then it will be a most wonderful and glorious thing.  It will be a beautiful testimonial to God's provision and His constant, unfailing love for me.

Today, I am reminded to have faith when I remember Elijah's adoption story.  I am reminded to have patience as I hold him on my lap and read from our children's Bible.  I am reminded as I look into the eyes of all five of our children for whom we waiting each in their own way.

And, I have renewed patience

...and the determination to finish filling out one more set of grant papers.

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Brian & Tobi

Brian & Tobi