
Saturday, July 14, 2012

Meeting Eye-to-Eye...Kinda

My Dearest First-Born Child,
It is time to acknowledge a truth that you have been quick to embrace.  And, as I look into your big, eager eyes, I do recognize we are eye-to-eye.  You have caught up to me in height.  And, since we are admitting things, it is probably only a few short weeks until you pass me up and begin to “look down” to meet me eye-to-eye.

This truth has only been hard to admit because it speaks to a glaring reality that I am not sure that either of us are ready to embrace.  While we physically meet one another eye-to-eye, you are becoming your own individual.  We agree less and less on “issues” from politics to cleaning your room.  I do realize that this is the first of many steps to you becoming the man that God has called you to be.  But, have some patience with this “little” woman.
In my mind, it was only yesterday that I was “changing your diapers” and “teaching you to walk or ride a bike.” I stare at you in amazement because you are this tall.  When did this happen?  I laugh at your quick wit and amazing sense of humor.  When did this start?  I fall silent when you begin to talk about the job you want or the college plans you are considering.  When did we stop talking about “play-dates” and “toys?” 

You will have to forgive me.  I know that you are eagerly yearning to be “grown-up.”  But, you will always be my little boy – whether you are in diapers or 6 foot 2 inches tall.  So, I will continue to tell you “what to do” and “how to do it.”  It’s simply a mother’s prerogative.
But, I feel that it is important at this specific time when we stand eye-to-eye, that I remind you that all is not as it appears.  Although we may be looking at this world from the same height, my eyes see this view with years of wisdom.  It is the wisdom of years’ worth of experiences.  That also explains the wrinkles around these eyes…and the bags underneath them.  This wisdom is a gift I can give you if you will continue to listen.  Keep your ears open to my words and trust that they are coming to you in love.  Sometimes, truth is hard to hear…no matter how tall or how old you get.

While my eyes show the signs of aging, your eyes still shine with the optimism of youth.  Don’t loose that…at least not anytime soon.  Believe in your dreams, because I believe them. I know it sounds cliché and dorky.  But, everyone needs a cheerleader or two.  I will always be yours. 
You were born into this world for big things, Son.  So, it seems only appropriate that you grow to be a big kid…tall, strong and handsome.  This is only one of many times that I have looked at you and recognized that you are growing up…but, this time seems bigger.  Maybe, it is because you are so much bigger…or maybe because I feel so much smaller. 

Your world is getting bigger now, too.  You have more freedoms.  You can come and go on your own (granted a driver’s license would be HUGE in this department…but give this old woman time!).  You have more friends..and, a more diverse group of friends.  And, you have more responsibilities, too.  But, no matter how big you get, there are a few things I hope you will always remember:

·         You are never too old to hug your family.  Kissing is optional…although, a kiss on the check NEVER hurt anyone!  Physical touch is important.
·         Crying is an external sign of pain…not something that indicates you are a sissy.  It is okay to feel and express pain.  Tears are far better than rage.
·         Forgiveness is the greatest gift you can give…both to yourself as well as to another.  And, giving truly is the best way to get
·         Laughter truly is the best medicine...and you are clearly gifted in sharing laughter with others.  But, don’t hide behind it too much.  The real you is pretty awesome once people get to know you!
·         Time will always move faster than you plan.  Procrastination is NEVER a good thing (no matter what your dad might think!)
·         Keep growing in God.  Take the time to learn about the Creator who made you and continues to perform a great work in you.  Pray.

And last but not least (I do reserve the right to add to this list.), sit down whenever I am having a “serious talk.”  I want to stand and still feel like the “big” adult…at least for a few more years.

Love Always,


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